By Daniel Hoffmann
While I hide inside, you brave the deep Canadian cold — every minute of the entire winter. Eight of you nestle into the tiny chicken coop, warmed only by some straw and your collective body heat. The winter takes its toll on some of you — the missing patches of feathers the clear evidence. Yet, faithfully you lay day after day. Some days 8 eggs, some days 6, some 4. I let you down often….not getting to the coop in time before your eggs freeze. Your hard work is tossed into the compost. But you forgive me —- the next day I find another 4-8 eggs. And the best part of all? You produce my daughter’s favourite food. Just 2 years old, she often wolfs down 2+ scrambled for breakfast, another 1 or 2 hard-boiled for snack. Food for Ayla’s body, and for my soul. Here’s to you Laying Hens — for braving the cold and feeding my baby girl.